Why subscribe?
Shades of Blue is your destination for discovering melancholy moments in classical music with the power to cultivate calm, connection, and healing. No prior knowledge of classical music required.
If you're new around here and curious why someone would dedicate a newsletter to melancholy classical music, be sure and check out this origin story.
None of the music I share here will be selected because it's great or because the composer is important. Rather, I'll choose works that explore questions of life and death, joy and sorrow, love and loss, so we can witness within ourselves the transfiguration — physically, emotionally, spiritually — made possible through music that transports us to a beautiful, more perfect world.
What do I get as a Shades of Blue subscriber?
Classical music has enough accessibility issues, so I won't put any of this newsletter's content behind a paywall. Every subscriber will be introduced to two pieces per month to fuel their personal journey with this incredible art form.
But if you recognize that every piece of quality writing I publish represents 20+ hours of work — work that often goes unpaid — and you're in a position to financially contribute to Shades of Blue, please consider becoming a paid subscriber.
Become a monthly or annual subscriber to enjoy Shades of Blue and get that warm, radiant feeling that comes with supporting an independent artist.
Or become a Founding Member to further support my work and receive a personalized guide to three moments of melancholy music you should explore. Think of it as a Branching Out post written just for you!
(You'll first send me a message describing an emotion you'd like to tap into or a piece you've enjoyed and want to hear more of, which I'll use as a launching point for the guide I create.)
Aaaaaand who are you again?
Michael Cirigliano II here. 👋🏼
I'm a classical musician turned writer and arts marketer. I've spent the past decade getting people excited about classical music and the visual arts through my work with the Cleveland Orchestra, Oregon Symphony, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Britt Festival Orchestra, Minnesota Orchestra, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Whitney Museum.
Ever since collecting all 24 albums in the Funk & Wagnalls Great Composer series when I was a kid, I've been in love with classical music. I got two degrees in clarinet performance and worked for a decade as a freelance orchestral musician and teacher. But more than a decade ago, having burned out on the grind of being a musician-for-hire, I packed up my clarinets for the last time and became a full-time writer.
Although I don't miss testing reeds or practicing scales at all, I do miss the sense of connection and excitement that comes with experiencing music together with an audience.
That's why I started Shades of Blue. My hope here is to build a warm, welcoming community that bonds over a shared love of melancholy classical music — pieces that can console, spark joy, and add vibrant new colors to the way we see the world around us.
(Oh, and arts leaders: If you like what you're reading here and want to explore my copy and content writing services for your organization, let's talk.)
Kind words I’ve received from the Shades of Blue community
"If you're at all interested in classical music, from entry-level all the way up to full-on enthusiast, Shades Of Blue is for you. A blend of wonderful music and writing. Just beautiful."
"Your work is inspiring, so creative, and I'm looking forward to discovering more of it here."
"There's no better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than with the latest issue of Shades of Blue."
"About thirty years ago I really needed a road map for classical music. I bought some CDs but didn't really know where to start. If I'd had Shades of Blue things would have been a whole lot easier."
"Your work isn't just a quick read in between tasks. It's an *experience*! And for that, you deserve patronage!"
"I am in awe of all the backstory and knowledge you have! You're becoming a staple in my musical education. I'm glad you exist :) Thanks for sharing this beautiful music."
"Pretty sure Michael has invented a new artistic persona we all desperately need: Sad classical music DJ."
"Shades of Blue is a bit like receiving a box of chocolates from Fortnum & Mason: content of the finest quality, presented in the most tasteful gift wrap, and offered with love."